Training Services

The Prosecution Training Institute (PTI) is one of the departments of the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) and was established in 2019.

Its role is to enhance the institutional capacity and improve the quality of public prosecutions through training.

The functions of PTI include:-

i) Development of Curriculum for training of all Staff.
ii) Induction of all newly employed staff to help them transition into a career in the ODPP.
iii) To Offer continuous training to different cadres of ODPP Staff to ensure they are well equipped to execute their functions.
iv) Undertake training of officers from other agencies with delegated prosecution authority.
v) Undertaking training of other law enforcement agencies.
vi) Liaising with strategic external stakeholders and partners in capacity building and related issues.
vii) Conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of training programmes to ensure relevance, quality and effectiveness.
vii) Undertake research that will support prosecution of cases, inform policies and law reform.
ix) Implement innovative and effective marketing strategies.
x)Recruitment and professional Development of Trainers and Training Staff.
xi)Managing Training Center Resources.
xii) To oversee and coordinate on the job training for inductees and interns.

The Prosecution Training Institute comprises of the following Divisions:-

* Academics and Training Division.
* Research and Development Division.
* Administration and Planning Division.
* Human Resource Development Division.
* Resource Centre and Library Services Division.