The ODPP Departments

This was previously referred to as Economic, International and Emerging Crimes. The department is headed by Director Economic, DPP 2. The functions of the department are as follows:

i) Handling prosecutions in respect of Economic and International Crimes.
ii) Supervising the handling of prosecutions in respect of Economic and International Crimes and ensuring that officers adhere to approved policies and guidelines and submitting periodic returns.
iii) Conducting criminal and related proceedings in relation to cases instituted before courts of law.
iv) Promoting collaboration with partners and other stakeholders.
v) Advising the Government, Ministries, departments and other agencies on matters relating to offences Economic and International Crimes.
vi) Handling international and regional treaties and other instruments having a bearing on the prevention, control and prosecution of offences Economic and International Crimes.
vii) Conducting research, review and making of recommendations on the status and quality of the laws on offences Economic and International Crimes.
viii) Preparing of guidelines on prosecuting offences Economic and International Crimes.
ix) Guiding and advising investigating agencies in relation to offences Economic and International Crimes.
x) Analysis of judgments, and preparation of appropriate documents for appeal, review, or revision and related proceedings where necessary.
xi) Handling matters relating to local tracing of criminals assets and carrying out forfeiture proceedings as required by law.
xii) Providing policy guidelines and strategies in matters relating to offences Economic and International Crimes.

The department comprises of the following five (5) divisions:-

  • Anti-Corruption &Economic Crimes Division
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Asset Forfeiture Division
  • Banking and Financial Crimes Division
  • Land, Environment and related Crimes Division
  • International, Transnational & Organized Crimes Division
  • Counter Terrorism Division
This was previously referred to Offences against the Person. The department will be headed by Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, DPP 2 who will be responsible to the Director of Public Prosecutions for the overall operations of the department.

The functions of the department are as follows:

i) Handling prosecutions in respect of offences against persons such as murder, armed robbery, assault, rape, defilement, criminal defamation and public order offences such as treason.
ii) Supervising the handling of prosecutions in respect of offences against persons and ensuring that officers adhere to approved policies and guidelines and submitting periodic returns.
iii) Conducting criminal and related proceedings in relation to cases instituted before courts of law.
iv) Promoting collaboration with partners and other stakeholders.
v) Advising the Government, Ministries, departments and other agencies on matters relating to offences against the person and public authority.
vi) Handling international and regional treaties and other instruments having a bearing on the prevention, control and prosecution of offences against the person and public authority.
vii) Conducting research, review and making of recommendations on the status and quality of the laws on offences against persons and public authority.
viii) Preparing of guidelines on prosecuting offences against persons and public authority.
ix) Guiding and advising investigating agencies in relation to offences against persons and public authority.
x) Analysis of judgments, and preparation of appropriate documents for appeal, review, or revision and related proceedings where necessary.
xi) Handling matters relating to local tracing of criminals assets and carrying out forfeiture proceedings as required by law.
xii) Providing policy guidelines and strategies in matters relating to offences against persons and public authority.

The department will comprise of the following nine (9) Divisions:-

  • Offences Against the Person Division
  • Sexual and Gender Based Violence Division
  • Juvenile Justice Division
  • Traffic Offences Division
  • General Penal Offences Division
  • Judicial Review, Civil and Human Rights Division
  • Hate Speech and Election Justice Division

The Department of County Affairs and Prosecution services comprises of three divisions.  Shall be headed by a Director County Affairs and Prosecution Services, DPP 2 who will be responsible to the Director of Public Prosecutions for the overall performance and administration of the Department.

The functions for the department will include the following:

i) Coordinating and Supervising regional county offices and division within the department
ii) Supervise the handling of prosecutions in respect of general and regulatory offences in Counties ,including ensuring these offices adhere to approved policies and guidelines and submit periodic returns.
iii) Advise the Government, Ministries, departments and other agencies on matters relating to county affairs, that relate to the office of the director of public prosecutions.
iv) Handle international and regional treaties and other instruments dealing with general or regulatory offences.
v) Coordinating Research, review and make recommendations on the status and quality of the laws on general and regulatory offences.
vi) Prepare periodic reports on the affairs of the department, divisions, regional and county offices.
vii) Undertake regular inspections of prosecution operations in the county to ensure adherence to standards.
viii) Advise on policies, guidelines and strategies for the Department county affairs and delegated prosecutions.
ix) Supporting delegated prosecutions and monitoring quality assurance.
x) Undertake Counsel performance management.
xi) Handling of complaints and compliments.
xii) Promoting collaboration and partnership with stakeholders.
xiii) Coordination of regional affairs.

The Department will have the following three (3) Divisions and nine (9) regional offices:-

  •  County Prosecution Division;
  •  Delegated Prosecution Division;
  •  Internal Liaison Division;
  •  Regional Offices
The prosecution Training institute will be headed by Principal Head at the level of Director Training Institute DPP 2 who will be responsible to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The functions of PTI will include:-

i) Develop Curriculum for training of all Staff.
ii) Offer induction courses for all newly employed staff to help them transition into a career in the ODPP.
iii) Offer continuous in house training for prosecution counsel.
iv) Offer training to different cadres of ODPP Staff to ensure they are well equipped to execute their functions.
v) Undertake training of officers from other agencies with delegated prosecution authority.
vi) Undertake training of other law enforcement agencies.
vii) Liaising with external stakeholders and partners in the capacity development related issues.
viii) Carry out research/studies into new and emerging areas in criminal law and the effective administration of justice.
ix) Conduct periodic evaluation of training programmes to ensure relevance, quality and effectiveness.
x) Undertake research that will support prosecution of cases, inform policies and law reform.
xi) Implement innovative and effective marketing strategies.
xii)Professional Development of Trainers and Training Staff.
xiii)Managing Training Center Resources.
xiv) To oversee and coordinate on the job training for inductees,and interns.

Prosecution Training Institute will comprise the following Divisions:-

  • Training Division;
  • Human Resource Development Division;
  • Research and Law reform Division; and
  • Resource Centre and Library Services Division

The department will be headed by Director Corporate Services DPP 2 who will be responsible to the DPP. Responsible for overseeing the general operations of the various divisions in the department.

The functions of the department include:

i) The administration and management of the support and facilitative services of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
ii) Coordinating the preparation of annual budgets and interpretation of financial and accounting policies, procedures, systems, statements, rules and regulations.
iii) Overseeing the preparations of financial statements and accounts.
iv) Ensuring custody, maintenance and security of all ODPP facilities and property.
v) Coordination of the development, review and implementation of human resource management policies, systems, plans and procedures.
vi) Overseeing recruitment and management of staff.
vii) Overseeing the development, monitoring and implementation of the ODPP/departmental service delivery charter.
viii) Coordinating the procurement of goods and services and disposal of the ODPP assets.
ix) Overseeing the development and implementation of corporate ethics and anti-corruption framework.
x) Coordinate the development and implementation of Information Communication Technology strategies, policies, systems and plans.
xi) Advice on central facilitation services policy matters that affect the administration of ODPP in the delivery of public prosecution services.
xii) Coordinate the development and implementation performance management system in the department.
xiii) Development and implementation of records management policies and procedures.
xiv) The preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly and annual reports relating to the mandate of the Department.
xv) Implementation of departmental prioritized programmes.

The Corporate Services Department will comprise the following Divisions:-

  • Administration Division
  • Human Resource Management Division
  • Supply Chain Management Division
  • Procurement Section
  • Store Section
  • Finance Division
  • Registry & Records Management Division
  • Accounts Division
  • Information Communication Technology Division

The Department of Inspectorate and Quality Assurance was established on 1st October 2020 to offer oversight and accountability mechanisms and to guard against abuse of the discretion bestowed upon Prosecution Counsel. The aim of the Inspectorate is to ensure quality services are offered to the people of Kenya and also enhance the performance of the Office thereby increasing public confidence in its work. 

The department comprises three divisions namely: – Inspectorate and Quality Assurance division, Internal Compliance and Ethics Division and Complaints and Compliments division.

i. Inspectorate and Quality Assurance division

The Inspectorate and Quality Assurance division conducts inspection of prosecution operations and makes recommendations that will contribute to the improvement of prosecution operations and enhance public confidence in prosecution in Kenya. It also monitors and evaluates the effectiveness and quality of public prosecutions so as to determine and advise the DPP on areas that require improvement.

ii. Internal Compliance and Ethics Division

The Internal Compliance and Ethics division investigates complaints of professional and ethical misconduct against ODPP Staff to ensure adherence to the Constitution, the code of conduct for Public Prosecutors and other ODPP policies and guidelines. It also develops and implements policies, sensitization programs and procedures that ensure that ODPP employees are fully familiar with their professional and ethical obligations. Through internal compliance, the office is able to hold staff accountable for their decisions and actions, thereby improving on the quality of prosecution services.

iii. Complaints and Compliments Division

The division is tasked with handling complaints and compliments from the members of the public with regard to access to justice. This ranges from complaints relating to other criminal justice agencies such as Judiciary, investigative agencies and any other general complaint.

In regard to complaints that do not fall under the mandate of the Director of Prosecutions, the ODPP refers the said complaints to the relevant agencies to ensure smooth handling of the said complaints.

The handling of complaints and compliments has been decentralised to the county level to allow quick resolution of complaints received from the public and members of the public are advised to visit the nearest ODPP Office in case of any complaints. During the period under review, the ODPP saw a reduction in the number of complaints received which is attributed to the effort made by the ODPP to sensitize the public on its mandate.