ODPP Vision, Mission & Core Values

Our Vision

A just, fair and responsive prosecution service.

Our Mission

To provide impartial, effective and efficient prosecution service to all.

Our Clarion Call

Mashtaka yenye

Haki na Usawa

Our Core Values

We are committed to providing high quality prosecutorial service to all. In our Service  Delivery Standards, we commit to be guided by the following core values;

  • Transparency

We shall be open in provision of our services and shall endeavor to share relevant information through our official communication channels.

  • Integrity

We shall uphold high levels of honesty, ethics and confidentiality in all our operations.

  • Accountability 

We shall be answerable to the public while executing our mandate

  • Professionalism

Excellence, efficiency and effectiveness shall be the guiding pillars in the delivery of prosecution services. We shall strive to ensure timeliness, continual improvement of the quality of our services.

  • Independence

The DPP’s decisions will not be subject to influence and/or interference from any person or institution but will be only guided by the rule of Law.

  • Team spirit

The ODPP shall promote unity and respect for diversity amongst its staff and stakeholders to achieve its mandate.